
Top 3 reasons to invest in grit42

Written by Admin | Aug 28, 2018 8:29:27 AM
These are the top three reasons to consider investing in the grit42 platform for pre-clinical drug discovery.

No matter if you run experiments and produce data day to day, head a department responsible for several different types of experiments, or need to utilise the data produced in order to analyse across experiments in order to achieve new insights, the grit42 platform has something to offer across all these disciplines. The true strength of grit42 is actually the intelligent bridging of these different disciplines into one coherent and intuitive platform.

At grit42 we fix scientific data workflows in and around pre-clinical drug discovery. Resulting in structured quality data that allows you to directly compare data across experiments, link the data to other types of data, and it enables you to apply advanced analytics, including artificial intelligence.

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