1. grit42 Knowledge Base
  2. Searching Compound information

Viewing detailed information on the compounds

From the compound grid the user has the option to view more information related to the individual compounds.

View underlying detailed information per compound

By clicking on one of the compound records the user will be directed to underlying data views.

The different information currently available “under” each compounds is as follows:

  • Details: Compound metadata - another view of the compound grid data
  • Batches: A list of the batches of the compound registered in the database
  • Synonyms: A list of alternative names for the compound, useful for several different names of the same compound and if a large data set has a typo in the name of a compound data can still be loaded if the “name with the typo” gets registered as a synonym
  • Experiments: A list of the experiments where the compound is present/tested with a link to the experiment
  • Pharmacological profile: A list of all final experiment results linked to the compound
  • Browse: A list of the experiments the compound has been tested in, grouped by assay and with an ability to view the data