1. grit42 Knowledge Base
  2. Compound & Batch Registration

Registration of compound combinations

In some disease areas - like treatment of resistant bacterias - the use of “combination therapy” where two or more drugs are combined is relevant.

Registration of Combinations

The grit42 platform supports registration of “Combinations” in the following way

The individual components (compounds) of a combination need to be registered in the platform first and hence have a unique grit42 compound ID. Then a combination can be registered. The combination will also be given an unique grit42 compound ID (in order to link experimental data to the combined “compound”) and signal what other compounds (grit42 IDs) it contains.

In order to register a new combination in the platform click the “Register compound” button in the top right corner of the general compound grid.

Select “Combination” from the appearing compound type drop down.

register compound dropdown

Then add the relevant data into the appearing “Register compound combination” form.

On the right hand side are the individual compounds currently registered in the combination (as a starting point the list is naturally empty). You can select/add the compounds the combination consists of by clicking the "Change compounds" button on the top right.


Register combinations form

Origin Compound Id: Add a relevant name for the combination.

Grit42 Compound Name: Will be given automatically by the system upon registration

Description: Add a description of the combination if relevant

Reference: If relevant add a reference to an external description of the combination

Origin: Select the origin (the provider) of the combination compound

Compounds: Select the components (grit42 ID’s) the combination consists of. 

When you have added all relevant compounds and filled in the information about the new combination then click the "Create CompoundCombination" button.