Howto work with Model Templates

What is a "Model Template" and how do you use them

Model Templates

To navigate to the Model Templates page, click the Templates button in the top button row on the Animal dashboard.

Before studies and animals can be created, templates need to be in place. Templates are definitions of studies that can also define ordering defaults.

To add a new template navigate to the Model Templates page and click on the + (plus) button in the top right toolbar.

The following fields are mandatory:

  • Type: Study or Stand-alone experiment.
  • Sub License. Pick the sublicense from which the animals will count against for reporting purposes.
  • Species: Species of animals
  • Pain/suffering/distress: Default values. Can be changed for individual animals in studies.
  • Valid from/to: Time span where new studies can be created based on the template.
  • Model reference: Text field where a reference to a model can be typed in.
  • Description: Free text field

There are two optional groups of defaults which can be set on a template: Release limiters and Ordering defaults.

Release limiters

These fields are indicators of if the study defined by the template is causing either Lasting harm to the animals or if the study is an in vitro experiment. This means that the system will not allow animals to be released from studies based on a given template having any of the two release limiters set.

Ordering defaults

Ordering defaults is a helper function where default values are set for orders made for studies based on a given template. The values are default values and can be overridden for individual orders.