How to upload assay result data

Where to go?

  • Open the relevant Setup, navigate to the “Experiments” tab and in the top right corner click “Import”
  • Select the “Experiments” menu. In the list of experiments - in the top right corner - click “Import” and then select “Import Experiment”

What to do?

Upload data to basic experiments

Basic experiments based on the "Vanilla" plugin can be updated in three different ways:

  • Import the Raw data 
  • Import teh Results data
  • or import the constant values on the Details

To import data, open the relevant experiment and click the import button.

You are presented with three options: Import raw data, Import result data and Update constants.

Each option brings you to the same import data form but the system is prepared for different kinds of data based on your selection above.

The import data form looks like this:

Depending on where you started (how you got to this import form) some fields are already filled in and cannot be changed. 

Make sure you all fields have values and then...

select a .csv file or paste data into the data field in the bottom like this

  1. Mark all data cells in the relevant file in excel and copy
  2. Go back to grit42 and paste the data into the “or paste content here…” field and click “Continue”

Perform the data mapping

Now you need to tell the system what data columns from the file needs to be mapped to (stored in) what field in the grit42 platform

  1. Perform the mapping of the columns in excel sheet -> fields in the grit42 database
  2. In order to link the data rows to the correct/relevant compound in the database, ensure to map the compound column in the file to the relevant compound column in the database by using the “Find Compound by” dropdown.

  3. Clicking continue takes you to the validation page.
  4. Here you are presented with any blocking issues there might be with the data to be loaded. Currently two scenarios exist: Entity integrity issues and numeric value issues.

    In the above example a compound have been identified as not existing. The issue here is that there is no Compound registered with the Origin compound ID “MyCompound1”. It is not possible to register the data before either the compound have been registered or the load data have been changed.

    In the above example the load have been stopped because a numerical column have mapped in a text column. The system decides that “SYNONYM 02” is not a proper numerical value.