Handling Animal Orders

Animal Orders

To navigate to the Animal Orders page, click the Orders button in the top button row on the Animals dashboard.

The Animal orders page is a tool intended for personnel taking care of purchasing animals from breeders. Here purchasing orders made by users can be processed and animals can be created.

Order status

It is possible to keep track of progress for a specific order by choosing different statuses.

To change status, click a specific order in the Animal Orders grid and change the value in the Status field.

  • New. A user has placed an order, but it has not been addressed yet.
  • Awaiting  breeder confirmation: The order has been sent to the breeder, but has not been confirmed yet.
  • Ordered. An order has been sent to the breeder and confirmation has been received.
  • Received. The animals have been received.
  • Cancelled. The order has been cancelled.
  • Ordered

Creating animals

To create animals, open a specific order and click the yellow “Create animals” button in the top right corner. If animals have already been created, the button will not appear.

You are presented with a form where you can optionally specify a Tail Mark. The system will try its best to serialize your input in an “excel like” way. So if for example you write “AA”, it will mark animals AA, AB, AC, AD… The same can be done for Cage Name.

When animals are created, the order automatically have status changed to Received.

Cage cards

From the Animal Orders grid, cage cards can be printed by selecting a number of orders, and then clicking the icon.

You have an option to print a number of “blank” cards, meaning that study details will be on the “blank” cards, but not the animal numbers.