1. grit42 Knowledge Base
  2. Create & Configure Setups

Find & view the Setup's

The Setups prepares the system for the data (parameters) arriving from the individual assays/animal models and how the system should handle the data when they are uploaded. 

In the following we describe how to find and view Setups and the underlying information.

  1. Select “Setups” from the navigation menu

  1. In the appearing list click on the row with the Setup you would like to see
  2. The Setup contains several tabs with different types of information

  1. Click the individual tab names to see the underlying information
    1. Details: Metadata on the Setup
    2. Raw Parameters: The raw data columns captured (uploaded) from an experiment. NOTE: May be empty
    3. Result Parameters: The result data columns captured (uploaded) from an experiment. NOTE: Can be calculated by the system OR uploaded directly if the data provider delivers final results in addition to raw data
    4. Constants: The parameters providing overall metadata about the experiment.
    5. SAR: Tools to define what Constants in the setup are relevant for SAR table creation.
    6. Experiments: A list of the experiments under the setup currently stored in the database. Click the individual experiments to open and see the data/results
    7. Results: A combined list of all results - across experiments - under the Setup