1. grit42 Knowledge Base
  2. Create & Configure Setups

Creating a new Setup

To create a new Setup follow the steps below

  1. Select the “Setup” menu item
  2. In the appearing list of Setups click the “+” icon in the top right corner

  1. Fill the appearing form with the relevant information:
    1. Plugin
      1. Choose “Vanilla” (the default) 
    2. Status
      1. Draft - The setup is still in draft mode and hence being worked on. Leave it in the Draft state until you are done and ready to use.
      2. Published - When the Setup is ready for use change the status to Published. 
        1. Setup need to be published before you can publish experiments under it
        2. Only published experiments (results) can be seen in SAR tables
      3. Withdrawn - If a Setup should no longer be used or a new version has been created then change the status to Withdrawn.
    3. Responsible
      1. Select your name from the dropdown list
    4. Description
      1. Always good with a short description so other users understand what this Setup is about