1. grit42 Knowledge Base
  2. Compound & Batch Registration

Batch registration

How to register the batches of the compounds

Batch Registration

Bulk registration


  • The Batch information delivered by the compound producer (inhouse or CRO) needs to contain the grit42 / Compound number in order to ensure that the batch data get linked to the correct compound

  1. Go to the “Data Import” menu item of the grit42 application
  2. Select the “CompoundBatch” table

  1. In the appearing form add “Origin” and a relevant load set name
  2. Copy the content of the batch info file into the “or paste content here” field
    1. The file need to contain the following columns:
      1. Compound ID containing the grit42 compound number where the batches need to be linked
      2. A batch identifier from the vendor we can use as a reference back to their systems. Map it to the “Origin batch ID” field 
      3. Map the columns from the file to the fields in the database and load the data

Singleton registration

You can also add batches one by one. You do this on the detail page for a specific compound. Go to the Batches tab and click the + (plus) button in the top-right toolbar.

You will be presented with a form where you at least have to type in the Origin batch ID and the Origin of the batch. Any extra custom fields defined for batches will also be present on the form, but will vary depending on what have been defined on your installation.

Combination batches

Adding a batch to a combination is a little different from adding batches to a regular compound. Combination batches consist of multiple batches of the compounds selected for the combination compound. So you need to pick compounds for the combination before you add a batch.